380 Merrimack Street, Suite 3E, Methuen, MA 01844

Mouth and Throat Cancer

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Mouth and Throat Cancer

Mouth and Throat Cancer:

Cancer is a deadly disease. Each year in the United States, about 40,000 new cases of mouth and throat cancer are diagnosed. Almost half of those patients will die within five years.
Your dentist checks for cancer every time you visit. Cancers that are found early can be easier to treat-so these types of cancer screenings are one more reason to see your dentist regularly.
This brochure will tell you some ways to lower your risk for mouth and throat cancer. And by watching for the symptoms listed here, you are more likely to find the cancer earlier if you do have it.
Signs of throat cancer:

Am I at Risk for Cancer?

Anyone can get cancer. However, it occurs most often in people who smoke cigarettes, cigars, or pipes and drink heavily (30 drinks or more per week). That combination is estimated to cause the majority of mouth and throat cancers diagnosed in the United States. Here are some additional risk factors:

How Can I Lower My Risk for Mouth and Throat Cancer?

How Can My Dentist Help?

During a dental exam, your dentist will check your face, neck and mouth for lumps, red or white patches, and sore areas that do not heal. Be sure to tell your dentist if you see any changes in your mouth and neck. If signs of cancer are found, it is easier to treat at this stage than later on.
Be aware of any changes in your mouth and throat. If you have any concerns about mouth and throat cancer, talk with your dentist. It may help save your life.

Video: Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body

What Are the Signs?

Below is a list of mouth and throat cancer signs and symptoms. Check your mouth in the mirror each day when you brush and floss. If there are any changes in your mouth or neck, or if you notice any of these signs or symptoms, contact your dentist.
Signs of oral (mouth) cancer: